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Glossary of 20+ Types of Knitting Stitches

September 02, 2022 3 min read 0 Comments

Glossary of 20+ Types of Knitting Stitches

If you are new to knitting, you may not realize how many different types of knitting stitches there are. Whether you consider yourself to be a beginner, intermediate, or advanced knitter, being able to recognize and knit as many stitches as possible makes you a more versatile knitter and allows you to knit a wider variety of patterns.

Garter Stitch

The most basic and well-known knitting stitch is the garter stitch. This involves simply knitting each row and working back and forth. 

Star Stitch

Create a solid fabric of stars with the star stitch. Perfect for a blanket or a sweater, create the star stitch with a combination of purl stitches and knit stitches. 

Condo Stitch

The condo stitch is a fairly simple technique that creates a drapey fabric look by using two sizes of knitting needles. To create this stitch, work a garter stitch, knitting every row.  

Stockinette Stitch

When a knitter knits one row and purls another row while working back and forth, it is called stockinette stitch. Stockinette stitch is one of the most commonly used stitches in knitting patterns.

Cable Heart

If you are bored with traditional cable knitting, add a romantic twist to it but knitting cable hearts. This multipurpose stitch is commonly used for baby hats and blankets and sweaters for young girls.

Slip Stitch

Slip stitch knitting is a technique where stitches are moved from the left needle to the right without working them. There are various patterns of slipping stitches that create different effects.

Linen Stitch

The classic linen stitch creates a woven appearance that looks stunning in two colors or monochrome. The linen stitch creates a denser fabric than most other stitches. 

Fisherman's Rib

If you have trouble knitting fabric without the curl, you will love fisherman's rib stitch. The resulting fabric is stretchy and flat. This stitch is commonly used for beanie hats.


Many knitters find intarsia knitting difficult because it has different rules than most traditional stitches. To create color blocks with intarsia, each color will have a separate ball of yarn for each color. 

Bubble Stitch

The bubble stitch is all about texture. It is a 3-dimensional type stitch that creates a squishy, magical fabric. It is commonly used as an accent stitch and is also used for cozy winter hats. 

Ribboned Stockinette

A beginner-friendly knit stitch, the ribboned stockinette uses knit, purl, and slipped stitches. Each side of the garment will look different and many people love the look of the "wrong side" of this stitch.


Herringbone Stitch

A fun beginner stitch, the herringbone appears to be more complex than it is. This stitch creates a solid, braided fabric that is commonly used for blankets.

Lotus Flower Stitch

The lovely, decorative look of the lotus flower stitch makes up for the time it may take to learn this new stitch. If you are planning to knit a baby blanket, this is a popular stitch option.


If you want to learn a classic reversible stitch, brioche stitch is a standard one to learn. The brioche stitch is thicker than other stitches and can be described as a thick. stretchy, ribbed knitting stitch.

Lacy Ladder

if your project calls for elegant lace details, give the lacy ladder a try. The eyelet lace detail has enough ribbing to create a stretchy end product. 

Checkmark Ribs

To create a ribbed look without knitting up an overly stretchy fabric, try checkmark ribs. Simple cablework knits up to create this subtle ribbed texture.

Honeycomb Cable

Create an interesting honeycomb structure across the knitted garment with the knit stitch pattern called honeycomb cable. 

Kitchener Stitch

Knitters use the kitchener stitch to merge two live edges together without having to bind off and sew. Join the stitches seamlessly with a tapestry needle.

Tartan Weave

The tartan weave uses alternating knit and purl stitches to create a textured fabric that can be used for nearly every type of garment. Knitting this stitch pattern is relaxing and perfect for beginners.

Two Tone Lattice

A two-color knit stitch pattern, two tone lattice creates diagonal lines using knit, purl, and slipped stitches. It is commonly used to create a flowy garment that isn't quite lace.

Mountain Peaks

If geometrical patterns get you excited, you will love knitting the mountain peaks stitch. The continuous triangle pattern stands out in the crowd. This is an intermediate-level stitch for those looking to level up their knitting skills. 

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