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Elevate Your Knitting and Crochet Game with the Perfect Combo: Yoga and Relaxation

March 01, 2023 2 min read 0 Comments

Elevate Your Knitting and Crochet Game with the Perfect Combo: Yoga and Relaxation

"Yoga, knitting and crochet are three paths that lead to the same result - a sense of calm, centeredness, and the satisfaction of creating something beautiful with your own hands." - Anonymous

Knitting and crocheting are wonderful hobbies that bring joy and relaxation to many people. However, these activities can also cause strain and tension in the hands, wrists, and shoulders, especially when done for extended periods of time.

Yoga offers a variety of hand and shoulder movement exercises that can help knitters and crocheters alleviate this tension and enjoy their hobbies pain-free. These exercises can help increase flexibility, reduce pain, and improve overall well-being.

The following are some hand and shoulder movement yoga exercises that can be beneficial for knitters and crocheters:

  1. Wrist stretches: Begin by holding your arms straight out in front of you, palms facing down. With your other hand, gently pull your fingers back toward your wrist. Hold for a few seconds and release. Repeat with the other hand.

  2. Shoulder shrugs: Inhale and lift your shoulders up toward your ears. Hold for a few seconds, then exhale and release. Repeat a few times.

  3. Shoulder rolls: Roll your shoulders forward and up, then back and down. Repeat several times, switching directions.

  4. Prayer pose: Bring your palms together in front of your chest, fingers pointing upward. Press your palms together and gently push your elbows out to the sides. Hold for a few breaths, then release.

  5. Eagle arms: Bring your arms out to the sides at shoulder height. Cross your right arm over your left, bringing the palms together. Lift your elbows and press your forearms together. Hold for a few breaths, then release and switch sides.

"Knitting, crochet, and yoga - all are practices of mindfulness, of being present in the moment and creating something beautiful, stitch by stitch, breath by breath." - Anonymous

These exercises can be done throughout the day, whenever you feel tension building up in your hands and shoulders. They can be especially helpful to do before and after a knitting or crocheting session.

In addition to these movements, incorporating yoga into your regular routine can help improve overall health and well-being, reducing stress and tension throughout the body.

So don't let the potential for pain and tension deter you from enjoying your knitting or crocheting hobbies. Incorporate these hand and shoulder movement yoga exercises into your routine and knit or crochet happily and healthily!

MARY ANN GEBHARDT, a renowned yoga teacher & knitting enthusiast

Mary Ann Gebhardt is a passionate yoga teacher who recently hosted a yoga Tutorial Tuesday Zoom session for us. Her session was aimed at helping participants find peace and relaxation through a series of yoga poses and meditation techniques. Mary Ann encouraged participants to use their knitting or crochet projects as a way to focus and stay present during the practice. She emphasized the connection between the calming effects of both knitting and yoga, and how they complement each other so well. Overall, Mary Ann's yoga session was a great success and left participants feeling both refreshed and inspired to continue their knitting and yoga practices.

Watch her session below and we would love it if you followed Mary Ann: https://www.yogabymaryann.com/

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