Depending on where you are located, you may have been feeling pretty isolated for a while now. Maybe your regular knitting group hasn't been meeting for a few months and you are desperate for some interaction. The knitting community is a tight *knit* group and we rely on each other in more ways that we originally recognized. If you are desperate to reconnect with your knitting community, keep reading for a few of our best ideas.
We spoke to several knitters to find out how they are staying connected with other knitters and these were our favorite ways.
Marco Polo is an app that works with both iPhone and Android. It allows you to create videos and easily share with one or more people. Video a knitting project you are working on and share for feedback. Record a funny personal story and share with your knitting community. Your friends can then respond with videos of their own. There is comfort is seeing friendly faces and hearing familiar voices.
Do you feel so out of touch with the knitting community without face to face knitting time? Knitters are more active than ever on Instagram. Explore new knitters, make new connections and keep up with the latest in the knitting community with the following popular knitting hashtags:
With many yarn shows and festivals being canceled amidst concerns with COVID-19, the Yorkshire Yarnfest has taken their event online. Tune into their Instagram live stories once a month to watch vendors participate in the yarnfest in 15 minute slots. The past couple months have been very successful and the popularity continues to grow.
A great way to feel connected from a distance is to find a few great podcasts. The Arne & Carlos Daily Quarantine Knitting Podcast is a popular one and one of our favorites. Very Serious Crafts is another great podcast that covers a range of creative banter and cool project ideas.
Are you new to knitting or want to learn a new stitch or technique? Now is the perfect time to take an online knitting class. If you are a beginner, we recommend Knitting Crash Course, where you will learn the basics in an hour. Another great one is The Ultimate Knitting Course: Knit from Beginner to Expert. With this course, you will knit a scarf and gloves by the end. There are hundreds of online knitting and crafting courses available online. Find the one that gets you excited and dive in!
Difficult times encourage us to get clever and explore outside of our comfort zones. Until the day when we are all sitting in our circles happily knitting with each other, try a few of these ideas.