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Knit Your Way Through College: Scholarships for Knitters

February 08, 2023 3 min read 0 Comments

college scholarships for knitters

Are you a teenager who loves to knit and plans to attend college? If so, this is the article for you. Continuing education is costly and many young people are deterred by this and immediately enter the workforce. If you have dreamed of attending college but have no idea how to pay for it, you will be pleased to learn that there are all kinds of scholarships available to college-bound students. 

I bet that when you first learned to knit, you never imagined that your hobby could help pay for your continuing education. Here is a list of college scholarship opportunities exclusively for knitters!

Beans for Brains Scholarship

Jimmy Beans Wool, in an effort to encourage students to knit, crochet, and weave, launched an annual college scholarship opportunity in 2010 and it is still going strong today. High school students who have a 3.0 GPA or higher and plan to attend an accredited institution of higher learning may apply for a $2,500 scholarship. The process is relatively simple:

Winners are notified in June and are announced publicly in July. 

Make It With Wool

The National Make It With Wool competition is held yearly and is supported by the American Sheep Industry. There are several divisions, including college students, and most US States have their own local competition, qualifying the winners to advance to compete at the national level. They also hold a design contest for college students studying design. All of the contests at all levels include cash prizes and the design contest winner is awarded scholarship money. 

The Knitting Guild Association

If you are a member of The Knitting Guild Association, you are eligible to apply for a scholarship towards knitting related curriculum. 

  • Complete the application.
  • Include a nominator who is also involved with The Knitting Guild Association. (This is optional)
  • Write a 200-word essay discussing the type of knitting education you plan to pursue, how you will forward the craft of knitting with that education, and why you need the money.

After you submit your application by email, it will be reviewed and you will be notified within six weeks.

AATCC Foundation Scholarships

The AATCC Foundation is an organization that awards scholarships to students who are pursuing their education in the textile and related fields. There are several types of scholarships offered and they include:

  • $1,000 to corporate member employees and their children
  • $8,000 to students attending Auburn University
  • $6,000 to students attending Georgia Institute of Technology
  • $6,000 to students attending North Carolina State and Clemson University.
  • $1,500 to undergraduate students enrolled in a textile or fashion program at a US university.
  • $5,000 to students pursuing coursework in textile engineering, textile chemistry, or related disciplines.

They offer several additional scholarships, so if you feel you are a good fit, read the complete list here.

Bernard Steur Scholarship

If you are a knitter and planning to attend Philadelphia University or Thomas Jefferson University and have a GPA of at least 3.0, this is an opportunity for you. The amount of the award varies. Reach out to them here.

The Brandford/Elliott Award for Excellence in Fiber Art

The Textile Society of America awards this scholarship to encourage and support students pursuing a degree in the fiber arts. To be eligible, you must be a member and complete the application. 

Handweavers Guild of America

This scholarship opportunity is open to students enrolled in accredited academic programs in the US or Canada. It is designed to assist with costs associated with an education in the fiber arts. The award amount is $4,000 and students may apply here.

Now that you know about these amazing opportunities for knitters, it is time to start applying! We will do our best to keep this list updated.

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